Friday, April 24, 2009

Living in the "Whatever"

I have decided that I am going to try my best to live in the "whatever."

What does that mean you ask? I want to trust God with what is going on in my life, not stress about it, just know that whatever happens He is completely in control. God knows what is best for me and He knows my passions, desires, hopes, and dreams better than even I do. (Which is so cool.) I can spend my time doing so many other things for God, but when I worry about things, it is as if I am saying to Him that I don't trust Him with whatever that happens to be. I do not want to be that person. I know He loves and wants the best and will provide, I just have to take that step and trust Him.

Currently that means trusting Him with my PCWCP interview (Public Child Welfare Certification Program). It's kind of a big deal. I know that if I get accepted or even if I don't God has big plans for me. That's exciting.

Also I have a wonderful new job. I work for a catering company. I look forward to going to work, which is more than I can say for most of the people that I know. I know that when I go to work I will be encouraged in Christ, because everyone that I work with loves the Lord. How cool is that!!!

My mommy is coming next Friday, I can't wait. I miss her really bad, I don't like her being so far away. I miss my sister and daddy very much too. I can't wait for them to be in Nashville!!

Tonight at CSF I had one of those , "oh geeze" moments. I realized that I was one of those people that says, "I'll pray for you." Then I don't do it. I don't want to be one of those people. Please hold me accountable to this.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


There are some days that I feel like "WHOA" cannot even describe the things that God is doing. Today is on of those days. He has been moving in a BIG way in me and through me. There is so much that I wish I could tell you about on here, but it would take hours for me to try to think of the words, even then I wouldn't be doing God justice. (But if you would like to talk about some of it, let me know, I'd love to share it with you.) Trust me He is moving in some pretty huge ways on the UK campus right now. I feel so blessed to be a part of that.

The group that I wrote about a long time ago, is beginning to materialize. Even now just a few weeks in, there are throngs of people that want to be involved and/or being touched by what we want to do. Most of those that I have talked to about it, don't know Christ!! How exciting to get to use something so tangible to reach people for Christ.

With that said, GLORY BE TO GOD!!! I pray that as I continue in this mission field, that I give the glory solely to Christ, because the words and the love for these people comes from HIM!! I in my sinful terrible nature do not have the capacity to love these people like Jesus, but through Christ I pray that they see Him in me through my words and actions, and that my life would be a testament to HIS GRACE, MERCY, and LOVE!!