Tuesday, August 18, 2009


sickness. stress. to-do list. work. very few hours of sleep.

yep all of those things are happening at the same time for me right now. oh and i forgot to mention classes start in a week and i have to buy my books that total to a whopping $660! But it's not my money so it's ok, it's not even Mom & Dad's money which is better.

I'm going to start painting my chairs tonight. I want them done before school. Or maybe not, painting is very theraputic for me. I'm not talented in artistic type painting ( i totally wish i was), but I can paint furniture and walls with the best.

I just filled out my Dance Blue application. I want to really help with it this year.

And I have realized I have to prioritize the things that I have to do, need to do, and want to do. Or not only will I not have a life, but I will die from exhaustion and panic attacks. No Bueno.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I just got home a little while ago from my trip to Owasso,OK & Springfield,TN. It was a wonderful trip. It was full of laughter, tears, and beautiful friends.

I got to spend more than 20 hours in a car with my sister. It was so much fun. Being away from her the past few months, I had forgotten how funny and quick she is. She makes me cry from laughing a lot. My sister is awesome, if you don't know her you are totally missing out. She is probably one of the most blunt and honest people I know. I wish more people were like that.

Jillian and I got to go shopping for clothes for Emma. It was so much fun. We also finished her registry at Target. I also got to sit and watch/feel Emma moving in her stomach. All I could think about was how creative God is. I mean babies can move around in your stomach before they're born, how cool!! It was also just great to see my best friend. I love her and miss her. She's one of those friends that I know if I need her she's there, no matter what.

I also got to spend some wonderful time with Ben. He has been such a blessing and encouragement to me. My sides are still hurting from where he would make me laugh so hard all week. We went and saw G.I. Joe. It was such a fun movie to see with him. It was almost more fun to watch him than watching the movie because he was so into it. We also had a lot of time to just hang out and talk, which was just as much fun. It continues to amaze me just how much he has changed in 5 years.

And I also got to spend some great time with Kirby, Rozie, and Kimmy. I love them all. They have all been such encouragements in my life. Unfortunately I didn't get to spend as much time with them as I would have liked to. (Mostly due to the fact that I was there while they all had to work). But I know the next time I am there I will get wonderful time with them!!

The night before and after our trip, I got to spend the night at my parent's new house. I had to use the GPS to get there, which was weird. I love the new house, it is very much my mother's dream house.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Toddlers and Tiaras

I am currently watching this horrific show. I am so angry with some of these parents. One of them has 5 girls and pretty much sits there and tells her twins that the older twin is the pretty one. She acts as if the only daughter that she has is the "pretty twin." It is ridiculous the things that these people are willing to put their children through.

I also had training today for PCWCP. It was rough. I hate looking at pictures of the terrible things that people do to children. My heart breaks.

Tomorrow I will be with my family. I can't wait.

In less than 48 hours I will be in Oklahoma. I am very excited!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Yep, I said it. Giddy. That's the way I'm feeling right now. It's a nice way to feel. In just a few minutes, I will go to work, and then training the next two days. Then on to Owasso..... :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Earl, Spiderman, Just Because, and Purple.

This weekend I did all of our cake orders by myself. I was proud. I did a wedding cake for the first time, which was really cool. I also made 2 Spongebob cakes, a couple of flower cakes, and some "creative cupcakes." But the largest pain in my side was Spiderman. I have never held such terrible feelings for a character or a cake. But I never want to make that cake again.

Also you know how groceries have those cakes that they write "happy birthday" on for you? Well this guy came in yesterday, I assumed he was getting a birthday cake. I was wrong... He wanted me to write "Happy Anniversary Earl," for his partner. I know my face went red.

Today, another man made my day. He made happy for the rest of my shift. He came up and asked for me to help him find the cake with the most chocolate. So we found it, then I asked if he wanted anything written on it. He got so excited...and said , " Just Because." I looked puzzled so he proceeded to tell me that he knew his wife had just had a crazy weekend, and he wanted to surprise her, "just because." It was great. I wanted to tell him thank you for thinking of his wife, but I didn't want to be creepy.

Also, I swear this is the last thing about cakes...If you like purple and you like cake that's great. But would you please not ask for purple icing on your cakes. We have to hand mix it, and it's hard, and people are picky about their purples. Too hard, very stressful.

This weekend I am going to training for Social Work stuff.

Then right after the conference on Saturday I am driving straight to Nashville to spend the night at my parent's new house.

Sunday morning at about 6am my sister and I are leaving for Owasso!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!! I am so excited!! There are several people that I can't wait to see!!!!!!! Hopefully I will actually remember to take pictures and put them up.

Last night at 608 ( the college service at my church) our pastor, Jon Weece, finally told us what IT was. IT is Jesus. But the idea about IT is that our church needs to start over and find our passion, service, and purpose in Jesus Christ, not our selves or our programs that we offer. Our church is changing the mission statement, and is also planning to change the way that we use our people and other resources to show others the love of Jesus. I am so excited to see the great changes that occur. I will keep you updated.