Monday, February 23, 2009

Something New

Well this blog comes at a time of "newness" for me. I am at a new school, new church, new friends, new job, and as of today a new ministry. Please allow me a little time to figure this whole blogging thing out, seeing as I am technologically challenged.

I so often feel like I need to share the exciting things that are happening in my life because God is doing some cool things, and I think people should know.

Right now, I'm studying Social Work, which makes me really happy. I see so many ways that I am going to be able to use what I'm learning later on in my career. I feel like I am learning so many things, not necessarily in my classes, but in everything that I'm doing with church and friends. I feel so blessed by my church, the people that I have met there are constantly challenging me to seek after God and to make sure that I am listening to HIS guidance and not my own. Also I have a nanny job, which has been great so far! I'm very excited about the family that I work for, they are wonderful Christian people.

But by far, the most exciting part of the day has been finding out that there is someone else that wants to help me start a ministry at UK!! I have felt God leading me to start a program that reaches out and not only informs about the problems with dating abuse and violence, but also helps those that have been the victims. I really thought for a long time that God was calling me to start this after college, but in the past 3 weeks I have felt this extremely strong tug on my heart for those that are dealing with this issue at UK. I know that at a school this big there are men and women that are hurting and wondering if there is anyone else that knows how they feel. I want to reach out to them and love them, show them through love and actions that someone else not only cares but knows exactly what they are going through. I ask that you be praying for this ministry, and that it will be able to show God's amazing redeeming love!!

1 comment:

  1. This is so exciting! That's great that you decided to started a blog. And UK is so lucky to have someone with your heart and passion for Christ on the campus

