Wednesday, July 29, 2009

11 DAYS LEFT!!!!

Do you have those people in your life that no matter what's going on just talking to them makes you happy, and makes you laugh so hard you might cry? Last night I laughed so hard at so many things that my stomach hurts today. I like that feeling.

I will be in Owasso in 11 days. I almost can't stand it. I try to be patient, but I am not good at just waiting for days to pass.

My sister and her boyfriend are coming over today. I'm excited to see them.

Also I'm getting a haircut. YAY!!! My friend Becky and I are going together this afternoon. I will try to remember to put up pictures so you can see.

I had a real heart to heart with my boss the other day. She has a son with severe brain damage. We talked about how sometimes Social Workers mess up things for kids with disabilities, because their parents have to work so hard to keep them safe and other people "call on them" because they don't know that you have to be a much stronger harder parent. I left the conversation excited that I got to share with her my passion for disabled children and my desire to help them and their families.

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