Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hot Flashes and Baking Don't Mix

Today I have had many Hot Flashes. I have decided that it is because my Lupron is wearing off. Honestly I'm ready for it to wear off so I can try something else. This whole thing is getting pretty old. I made Banana Muffins, the Hot Flashes made it insane.

Next on the list of things to try....Gluten Free Diet. Yep, that does say "Life Change".

If you know me and have seen me eat, you know that I LOVE bread and all things with tons of gluten in them. Bread, Pasta, Cookies, really thick Soup, Crackers, Cereal. YUM. 

Now going Gluten free won't require I give these up completely, it just requires that I change how I eat them, how they are cooked and how often I consume them. I'm actually pretty excited about this because truthfully I really love my veggies and other more natural foods, they just take more work. Work that I won't do unless I have someone else to cook for, or I'm bored (aka avoiding homework).

(My Daddy, who is a diabetic, is considering going Gluten Free with me to help regulate his diabetes a little better.)

I wish you could see my Bookmarks Page, I have somewhere near 100 pages about going Gluten Free and Gluten Free as a treatment for Endo.

So I'm going to share a few with you. I hope you enjoy them. 

This website has easy recipes and how to switch and adjust to being gluten free.

Yeah, this is awesome, it has a list of the places Gluten Free people can eat in Nashville. Did you know that there is a Gluten Free Bakery here in Nashville?

This blog has a ton of recipes and tips for living Gluten Free.

This website works to help Gluten Free people find Gluten Free-Friendly Businesses. Awesome right?
On another note, school is almost over. I am so glad. I am finding that I am terrible at doing this stuff at home by myself. I am not one of those people that could do a degree online by myself. I need human interaction.

I also wish I could find my card reader so that I could share some of my pics from recently. 

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