Thursday, March 3, 2011

Moving again?? I sure hope so.... (long, but not heavy post)

Yeah, I know I'm a little crazy. But I so want to move again. This move though I hope would be the last one for a long while. I'm hoping to get a job and/or get into Grad School in the Tulsa area. It is home, and I miss my home.

Almost all of my BFFs are there.....

Like Miss Chelsea Grace...

Mrs. Jillian Casey and her babies...

And a ton of other people that I love dearly and I'm tired of living without.

And I miss my church. At this point in my life I need a church to help me grow, a place where I can work and be encouraged and challenged. I need family, not just a church. But really don't we all need those things all the time?? I think so.

SO if you are reading this and you love me, which I assume you do....Please keep your eyes and ears open for a job for me. Even if I am coming for Grad School I will need a job, and if need be I will have 2 jobs. I will have a BS in Interdisciplinary Studies, concentrating in Psychology and Social Work.

With moving also comes housing....So keep ears and eyes open for that too. I don't need much space, but I need a place to sleep and to eat. and have coffee.


Ok so I have become one of "those people" that becomes a little obsessed with American Idol. I'm honestly a little ashamed....

But not ashamed enough to not post videos...... So enjoy my new love.

Did you see his teeth. They are perfect. My dad made fun of me for noticing his perfect teeth a few shows ago. But I really do love a good set of teeth. I figure if you take care of your teeth, you're taking care of everything else. It's the family joke that good teeth are my first requirement for a husband..... I wish I could say it isn't true, but it is.

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