Thursday, March 19, 2009

Half-Hearted Celebration

I just returned from the grand Tampa International Airport, I had to return Jill. By that I mean I had to put her on a plane to go back to Tulsa and her husband, who is now home for just a few days. I was excited for her....kinda. I wanted her to stay with me. I'm selfish, I like my "Jill and Julia" time. It was different this time, in a good way. She's married and pregnant, weird. Those things change a person, but she's even more beautiful in every way because she is so happy.

If you don't know Mrs. Jillian Casey, you my dear friend are missing out. She's one of my most favorite people that God has made.

We had a good time. We went to Disney and went out on a boat in the Gulf. We watched the sunset on the beach. We also just laid in bed and talked for hours, my dad lovingly refers to this as our "Giggle Time."

My daddy reminded me this morning that I have some super friends. I know that there are certain people that I would be welcome in their home at anytime, no matter what.

My daddy constantly reminds me that many people don't have the quality of friends that I do. And that it takes a long time to find true best friends, that you know will be there forever. I have a couple of those, and sometimes I don't fully appreciate them. I don't tell them I love them enough. I use the excuse that they live so far away (all of them live in a different state than I do). I don't want them to ever doubt that I love them, and I hope they know I would do almost anything they would ask me to do.

I also spent a lovely weekend in OHIO!! One of my other best friends, Erin, lives there. I miss her too, a lot. I feel like I was barely with her and her family at all. I wish that I still lived with her. We used to sleep out on our balcony during nice weather. We did it for more than 2 weeks straight once, it was awesome!! I miss that.

I'm pretty excited though. I like being home a lot. My mommy and daddy hug me tons, and my daddy tries to spoil me (as much as my mommy will let him).

I'm going to post pictures from Jill's trip here later, after I ask her permission. (I have to make sure that they can be posted without re-touching, she's a little crazy about stuff like that.)

I hope you have a lovely day.

1 comment:

  1. i love jill too. i'm glad you enjoyed your time with her.
    ben has surgery tomorrow! yes!
    and yes, read twilight. :)
