Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Today was supposed to be a day of great productivity. It was not. Instead I tried to make up some sleep. I slept for a good 2-3 hours. The quality of my sleep was good enough that I had several dreams.

I never really thought that God used dreams much anymore. But after mine today, I totally believe it. I do not remember much of my dream, I'm pretty sure that what I don't remember doesn't matter. What does matter is what I do remember.....

In this dream I was talking to a dear friend, Brandon Irby, about what's going on in our lives. Pretty much the standard, 'I haven't seen you in a few years, what's going on? What are you doing with your life?'

I sat and listened as he told me about his life and the exciting things going on. Then I began to tell him what I was doing, what I want to do etc. And after a pause he asked, " Who are you doing all of that for? Is it for you and your glory? Or is it for God's glory?"

WHOA!!! Well needless to say I was startled, so startled that I woke up. I've just been asking myself the same question over and over again. Am I doing everything for me or for God? Are my goals so that I get praise or so that God does?

I honestly hate the answer. No, not everything that I'm doing is for God's glory. I guess in some ways it is for glory that I want to do somethings, and other times it is to fulfill myself. I am not going to Christ to be filled, but often I look for it in what I'm doing, and how I'm "impacting" other people. And while I believe that God can use my selfish nature and actions for His own glory, I want so desperately to glorify Him in my actions, words and desires.

This is the scripture that I pray will become my true way of life...
"And whatever you do whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." --Colossians 3:17


  1. Wow this really got to me. I think to myself a lot of times that I can be really selfish, and in all honesty It is true. If we stepped back every once and awhile and asked ourselves this a lot of better decision could be made.

  2. i heard something great the other day. my fave teaching pastor, matt chandler, was throwing out a difficult life scenario and his response was "doesn't matter! it's not my life!"
    i found that profound even though i've been taught Matt 16:24, 1 Cor 6:19-20, Gal 2:20/3:3 since i was young.

    i need to embrace it in its fullness.
