Thursday, December 9, 2010

Time consuming...

Isn't he precious? I know you're jealous, you should be. I've been spending a lot of time with this little man and his Momma. You wanna hear how cool God is? This precious boy's due date is next week, that's right he was early. How early you ask, 6 weeks. 

Let me pause for you to take that one in.

Yeah, amazing right. He was born perfect, big and healthy. He was a good size for a full-term baby, but 6 weeks early. God is good.


This idea of Postcard Journaling sounds awesome. I think I may have to do it. I think it would make a great gift as well.


Ok so even though I don't even have any prospects for marriage right now, I just cannot stop looking at wedding things. It truly calms me down. I love weddings. Everything about them makes my heart happy. If you want something found about weddings or just want some awesome ideas I am your go-to girl.  

In fact I have been browsing for my 2 dear friends. Let me introduce them to you.....

Richard (my bestest boy friend since I was 13)  and his awesome girl Katherine (Kat)

She wanted something different in her engagement ring and she got this beauty!

Now I am by no means rushing them, but I can't wait for them to get married. I am hoping that I will be living in Oklahoma by the time this marriage occurs. I want to help and plan and work. I'm so excited. Really by the time it gets here I may need medication. 

My mom told me that browsing and marking things for other people was nosey. I have decided that it's not nosey, it's thoughtful. My feelings won't be hurt if they don't like what I have marked for them. But if they do that's awesome. Thankfully Rich and Kat know my feelings about weddings, so I have been told browsing is good.

Here's another picture of them. I just love this one:

So cute right? So if you have some awesome wedding ideas or pictures, please share I promise I will love them and spread them.

You want to see some favorites from past weddings you say? Ok you don't have to twist my arm:

My cousin's candy bar:

The "couches":

 No your eyes aren't fooling you, those are hay bales.

There are two benefits to winter weddings:
1. Cheaper Honeymoons
2. You can use Christmas Decor.

I hope you're having a wonderful day. Merry Christmas!!

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